Threads Connections is for 6th graders and older students who aren’t yet ready for the academic demands of Threads 7. It runs for 12 weeks in the fall and 12 weeks in the spring. Goals of the class include helping students work toward more educational ownership and academic independence, including parental help in learning time management and academic responsibility at home. Classes will meet in the morning and afternoon, with a 45-minute break for lunch. The subjects taught are complete academic courses. Curriculum includes:
Connections Science is an introduction to the brilliant brains and eureka moments behind the greatest scientific discoveries in history. Students will learn fascinating scientific facts about black holes, microscopic creatures, the truth about heat and light, what plants eat, DNA, diseases, di, atoms, asteroids, X-rays, and more! Diagrams, timelines, and colorful illustrations in the book will help explain complex ideas and the science teacher will lead activities and experiments during class.
Texts Used: The Story of Science by Anna Claybourne (Usborne Books)
Students will learn English grammar concepts in a format that focuses on the parts of a sentence and how words function within a sentence. Our teachers will emphasize active engagement with grammar concepts through writing, listening, and speaking, so that students can master grammar concepts in order to communicate clearly. The at-home portion of the grammar work includes students hunting for and correcting errors in daily passages that cumulatively tell a story. Fix It! Grammar encourages students to immediately apply new grammar knowledge in context, aiding in the transfer of grammar skills into their own writing.
Texts Used: IEW Fix It! Grammar. Threads Grammar CD and Song Guide.
Students will grow as writers by preparing weekly compositions. They will learn how to structure (organize) their writing and how to “dress it up” with the Institute of Excellence in Writing’s (IEW) elements of style. Each week, the skills modeled by the teacher will build on previously presented skills. The compositions range from one paragraph at the beginning of the year to a final (multi-week) project of five paragraphs. The grading rubrics for IEW are precise and clear, and any student can write a high-scoring paper by attending to the requirements.
Texts Used: IEW Following Narnia by the Institute for Excellence in Writing
Students will be reading and discussing several works of literature. The literature selections are chosen to align with the historical period being studied and include fiction and non-fiction. Works may be set in the time period or a famous work written during it, but adaptations will be chosen at an appropriate level as needed. The goals of the literature discussion are to help students read and retain information to discuss, to practice discussing literature in a group, and to help deepen their understanding of the historical period being studied.
Texts Used: Literature books selected by the teacher.
Students will learn history from the beginning of the world to today’s modern way of life from a Christian perspective. The text uses a narrative form to journey through history’s key people and events. Namely, the Egyptian civilization, the Roman empire, Johann Gutenberg’s printing press, America and the Industrial Era, the World Wars, and more. Students will study important terms, timelines, and detailed descriptions of famous wars, battles, and explorations throughout the world. There are review questions for each section that will be reviewed weekly in an engaging way that will help your student remember what is studied.
Texts Used: History of the World by Abeka (student book)
Texts Used: Timeline Cards sets 1-4 by Classical Conversations
The first unit of the year is about the U.S. and uses materials from the United States government. During the fall, students work towards learning all the information on the Naturalization Test that immigrants use to become U.S. Citizens. Students will work on handouts at home and have in-class discussions the following week. By the end of the unit, students should be able to answer all 100 questions on a mock test. The 2nd unit will focus on Iowa History, including the historical, political, and social aspects of life in Iowa in the present day. The chapters explore such topics as the native peoples, pioneers, railroad, Civil War, immigrants, formation of the state government, education, Great Depression, wars, and the impact of 9/11 on Iowa. The 3rd and final unit will utilize a Black Death Problem Log that will challenge students to work as a group to solve the problems associated with the Plague.
Texts Used: All textbooks will be provided by Threads with a refundable deposit
Texts Used: All maps will be provided by Threads